Business Coaching in London Guide

Business Coaching in London Guide

You are reading this article since you are looking for information about business coaching in London. I hope to provide you with an ultimate guide to what business coaching is. I work as a business coach in London. If you would like to read more about my life coaching and business coaching services click here now.

Business coaching in London

Do you even need business coaching in London?

Maybe you are running a small business or looking now to gain promotion prospects at work? Maybe you have been running a company for a while and would love to make your success more global. I think it’s clear that the benefits of business coaching cannot be overstated.

Running a business may sometimes feel like a very solitary or lonely pursuit. However, as with most important aspects of life, having an experienced coach that you can bounce ideas off and get guidance from is one of the most valuable resources which you can have as business owners.

Why you may need London business coaching

It’s important to note that:

Most business owners who look for advice on how to grow their business will inevitably have a limited amount of time, money and resources to turn to. Yes, there are countless online sites with great articles and you can buy books. However, when you want to build and grow a business, your business is unique. Also you are unique. You have a unique background, education and experience. This means that generic advice is hardly a suitable substitute for personalised real guidance from a trained expert.

So, the good news is that whether you want sessions in person or online, there is a service where business owners, like you, can receive the personalised coaching and guidance to overcome barriers and challenges to success. If you are facing difficulties in work, growing your business or with getting the results you need in work life, you can use business coaching in London to bring you the success you deserve and need.

What exactly is business coaching in London like?

Business coaches will typically be experienced business people. They may have been or are business owners themselves. However, since your challenges are about thoughts, feelings and psychological barriers to success. A good business coaching will have a background in therapy. This could be cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnotherapy or even psychotherapy. Simply having run a business doesn’t give you the insight into human psychology or the tool to overcome limiting beliefs that will help you. That’s why a business coach with a therapy background is so important.

While there’s plenty of information and advice online or in books about how to start, run or grow a company, as mentioned, it will be generic and not specific enough for your unique needs and challenges. When you engage a business coach they will provide something far more valuable – personalised, insightful guidance. Just like when an athlete wants to improve performance, the best thing to do is create a team to support them and ensure they have a great coach.

We apply this thinking to work and business too. Great coaches and mentors will be the best route to success for you too.

What could business coaching do for you?

A business coach will work alongside you to help you define your goals and polish your vision for your business. Together you will set in place a series of strategies, in order to achieve those goals and vision. If a business owner has important questions or problems to solve, a business coach will be able to help by providing ways to navigate these issues in the most effective way possible. Having a business coach is very similar to having a highly experienced partner, there for you on your team. You can imagine that the value that they can offer to business owners is well beyond the fee they might charge.

Just like a therapist or life coach, a business coach will help you zone in on your talents, hone your vision, and give you insight to make better decisions. Hey will work hard to ensure you  and your business are successful. They may wish to learn everything that they can about your company, all the way from its value propositions, all the way to its target market and also those challenges you and it may face now and beyond.

Once goals are in place, your business coach in London will help you understand what you need to meet those goals. When you don’t meet gaols they will help you work through why you have not. Was that due to practical considerations or psychological barriers? Throughout this entire process, your business coach will serve as an invaluable resource.

Business coaching in London

With what can business coach help?

Maybe you wish to revive a struggling business? Perhaps you wish make an already successful business even more successful?  No matter what you wish to achieve, or whether you run a small, local business or an international company, a business coach will be able to help you grow that business.

Often people assume that business coaching services are really only to help owners who are struggling or failing. Though a coach may be able to help a struggling business get back on track, this is certainly not the main thing a coach is able to help with. In fact most business coaches are helping new business owners or existing successful people be even more successful. SO, whether you wish to build a new business from the ground up, or you feel you have hit a plateau, a coach can help ensure the business moves to the next level.

Though running your own business can be very rewarding, often a busy business person will neglect their health or wellbeing. That all important work life balance can go off centre. A business coach can help you ensure your personal goals are reached as well. These may be about relationships, time off, retirement, family or hobbies. Business coaching therefore isn’t just about business but can be a way to look at your life holistically. You will have someone in your corner who can support you through the challenges you will inevitably face in all areas.

Is small business coaching in London different?

There are many different labels that a business coach may use to describe what they do. Small business coach is just one of them. In many instances, the goals and challenges of small businesses may be very different from those of large businesses. Let’s consider that a local restaurant looking to attract more hungry customers will have an entirely different set of goals and strategies needed when compared with a large corporation, which is shipping pharmaceutical products all over the world.

Most business coaches will be very experienced in supporting small businesses, and that’s regardless of whether or not they describe themselves as a “small business coach” or ‘”life coach” or “business coach”. An important part of the role of a business coach is to help you develop a strategy that is uniquely suited to the specifics of each situation. So, whether your business employs just you are employs a thousand people, the coaching contract or coaching work may be similar in many ways

Some famous entrepreneurs who had business coaching

Even some of the world’s most successful and high achieving business owners and entrepreneurs have used the services of business coaches to help them meet their goals and gain success.

Eric Schmidt – former CEO of Google – stated that hiring a business coach was the best professional decision he ever made. Yes, it took some convincing at first, as he was already successful. After being convinced by a Google board member, Schmidt started to work with a business coach. Interviewed by Fortune Magazine, Schmidt stated, “Everyone needs a coach”.

Other famous name executives and well known entrepreneurs who have used business coaching include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and countless others too.

A few business Coaching Statistics

Just a few interesting business coaching statistics include:

A 2001 study by Manchester Inc.  demonstrated showed that a business coach would bring in profits an average return on their fee investment of 5.7 times. In other words the business gained5.7 times the amount that they paid for the coaching services

Personnel Management Association reported that executives who received both coaching and training increased their productivity by a massive 86% compared to a 22% increase in productivity by executives who received just training and no business coaching.

A Hay Group study has shown that about 40% of all Fortune 500 companies do in fact make use of business coaching. Coaches are used to train and develop their executives.

61% of owners report that business coaching increased their job satisfaction

Like anything else your business invests money in, business coaching services are a real and important investment. We have seen that surveys and studies show time and time again that coaches help you deliver significant results in a variety of key areas.

Business coaching in London UK

Common business coaching in London FAQs

If you are considering business coaching in London, you may have a lot of questions. While many have been covered, many questions may remain. Here are a few more frequently asked questions regarding business coaching services:

Q: What is the first session with a business coach like?

A: As a London business coach, I may run sessions differently from others. My first session is a foundation session, in which we get very clear on what we wish to achieve together. The number one priority is going to be for me to learn more about you and your business. This is so that sessions are tailor-made to help you.

Sessions are friendly and enjoyable, but our discussions will also push you gently out of your comfort zone. If you want to transform into your business, then we will need to work hard, setting goals for your business and strategies to meet those goals.

Q: Can business coaches help me grow my business?

A: Business coaches can certainly help you consider strategies to grow your business if that is your goal. However, the main work of a coach is really about you and your personal strengths and weaknesses. A coach will work to help make you personally more productive, utilising your assets and confidence more. Coaching is about getting over personal challenges to growth.

If you are interested in business coaching in London, get in touch today for a phone consultation. We will discuss if coaching will be the best fit for you and your goals. For information about business coaching click here.

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Jason Demant Clinical Hypnotherapist
London hypnotherapist, seeing clients in King's Cross and online. Diploma in clinical hypnotherapy, counselling and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) from Life Matters Training College, based on Harley Street, London. Fully insured and a validated practitioner of the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and member of the General Hypnotherapy Register.


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